Fancy a Cuppa? The Hidden Power Coffee Holds.

Written by Jacinta Elif Vieira

We’ve all had moments where we wish we could see into the future. In a world full of uncertainty, many of us believe that if we could see the consequences of our actions, we can brace ourselves for what is yet to come. 

What if I told you there is a way?

It’s no secret that for centuries the practices of fortune telling have been deeply integrated into many cultures across the world. From, palmistry to numerology, there have been numerous methods employed by many in attempts to predict what is yet to come. 

To this day, the enduring tradition of tasseography, commonly known as the reading of tea and coffee granules is and has continued to be one of the most influential methods of ‘fortune-telling’. The hidden wonders of Turkish culture cultivate this practice, continuing this method under the name of, ‘Kahve Fali’ or ‘Fal’, which directly translates to coffee-fortune telling. 

The method is quite simple really. 

This cuppa is made a bit differently compared to your usual morning breakfast tea. The coffee is made by bringing a scoup of refined Turkish coffee beans with water to a boil. Once cooled and ready, one must drink it out of an espresso-like cup (known as ‘Kahve FIncanI’) which is especially designed for this particular use (as a regular mug won’t work). 

You drink the coffee leaving behind a few bits, this will form the patterns the ‘fortune-teller’ will interpretate (this changes depending on the individual). You must then place the saucer on top of the cup whilst turning it upside down (making a wish whilst you turn the cup). Once cooled the interpretation of your fortune is left to the readers digression.

This seems all too good to be true, I thought to myself. Why not experience a first-hand reading to test the legitimacy of this method? 

A fair share of research went into searching for someone who could help me and with direction from those accustomed to this tradition, I came across the page of Hülya Gün. For those of you who do not know, Miss Gün is a well renowned sociologist and astrologer. Her work has been recognised across the globe for the accuracy of her readings as well as extensive educational background in spiritual studies. When I arrived at my appointment in a small café off the outskirts of sarıyer, Istanbul, Türkiye I was taken aback as I wasn’t sure how to approach such an experience.

It was a surreal encounter. From the moment I met Miss Gün it felt as though she wasn’t a stranger but rather a friend I haven’t seen in a while. Once the reading had begun, all my fears had melted away as she mentioned details about my life only I could know. She even referenced to my past health struggles only me and my doctor knew of.

Her predictions included a foresight into the career advancements that were yet to take place (which now looking back, I can confirm came true). When speaking to her about my personal relationships with my family and friends, she revealed that the troubles I had been experiencing, had been due to the manipulation of those who were pretending to have good intentions for me. This felt so far-fetched in the moment as I could not imagine anyone close to me wishing for my downfall. 

However, she even referenced messages that were being sent to one another (within my inner circle) that I had no knowledge of. Months later I had discovered the recorded conversations that took place without my knowledge encompassing, exactly this. 

There must be a tactic, I thought to myself. Within my attempts to rationalise a supernatural experience I wanted to interview Miss Gün to gain an insight from a professional standpoint rather than customer point of view.  

For me to understand what goes into the process, I had to first understand what qualified Miss Gün to conduct such consultations with others. 

She told me that since she was a child her curiosity about the mystic wonders of astrology and divination grew. In light of her interests, she embarked on her journey by visiting Morocco whilst receiving insights from 13 monks in various sciences and practices. 

Her journey continued to Egypt and Tibet for the purpose of research and gaining experience in universal energies. She explained how her travels across the world strengthened her knowledge and intuition in these fields. She brought an emphasis to how her travels have aided her knowledgeability and connecting with those she has helped. 

I must say, this practice isn’t for everyone. When we hear the phrases ‘fortune-telling’ and ‘fortune’, it can often carry negative connotations. Many hold the belief that possessing such gift is not possible and may even go as far to label such practices as ‘witchcraft’ and ‘unholy’. 

Some think it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy that we accept the fortune and alter are behave for the predictions to come true. When your introduced to the possibility of an outcome to a situation you’re in, one you didn’t think of, you may start to act in a way that allows room for the prediction to come true. Whilst others I’ve spoken to argue that being able to see into the future is in fact a gift, one that not many of us can possess. 

Towards the end of our conversation Miss Gün left me with a few words of wisdom. ‘Don't be afraid of change, the universe will make you do what you couldn't do, things you have postponed, things you’ve actively avoided. There’s no running away from the lessons you must learn’.  

What do you think? Will a ‘Fal’, reading be next up on your travel itinerary? 



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